Traveling Engineer
July 10, 2023

Travel Day to Genoa

Posted on July 10, 2023  •  4 minutes  • 677 words

By 8am, when I was up starting to pack, it was hot (sense a theme here) and I was already sweating. I tried to move slow, but anytime I was in the sun, it was hard not to. We planned to walk the 400m to the bus stop with our stuff when our Airbnb host seems to think that was a bit much and offered to drive the stuff. Dan went with the stuff and the kids and I walked down. We were casually waiting for the bus.

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The bus was supposed to come in 10min after we got there when we realized we left our sandwiches in the fridge! The ‘I don’t want to waste anything’ part of me was bummed and said I’d run back to get them. We wasted 2 minutes discussing this and finally I took off running. Straight up and in Birkenstocks! Running down was almost harder and I lost a sandal 2 times. As I was coming down the last bit I saw the bus go by! I turned the corner and signaled to Dan (50meters up) with a thumbs up. He wasn’t moving and I failed my hands a bit to mean ‘get on, I’m coming!’. Finally, I saw him and a stranger start heaving the bags and kids on the bus. I jumped on with the last one completely dripping in sweat. So much for trying to stay a little not gross the whole day. Kids were cracking up and giving me high fives. 100% worth it.

Bus took us 6 blocks from the train station and as much as we tried to stay in the shade, we were all sweating by the end and if felt like 12 blocks. Dan got tickets, I got Dan a cappuccino, me sparkling water and the kids gummy crocodiles for handling the walk and bus so well.

Plenty of time to get the train, but with so many people (same train that goes to Monaco) we didn’t stand a chance getting on with the luggage and kids. Another came by in 10 minutes.

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We had a transfer about half way through that was going to be close. We then became 10 minutes delayed, so we thought we would miss it…but since it was coming the same direction as us, maybe just maybe we could get off, find new train and get on with the required gap between the trains. We were ready. Jumped off the train, ‘raced’ down the stairs from our platform with all baggage and kids to check the screen only to find out our train is on the platform we just got off! Race back up kids!!! Same train, number change at the station. Got back on in a mess and kids found it all hilarious. Part way to Genoa, AC broke and we were miserable.

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Dan wants to walk the 19 min (says google) to our Airbnb and I’m all for a taxi. He finds walking easier? Ugh. We ask the kids; Walk and get gelato on the way as soon as we see it or taxi and no gelato. Ben and Max were for walking; Sam was not. We walked though not the greatest area and even by a couple brothels (on accident I’m assuming). Due to the neighborhood not being how it was, NO getalo shops at all! Sam, who wanted the taxi, is trucking along asking “whose your trooper?” They were amazing. Just kept going and when we found our place, we could see a gelato shop. Dropped the bags off and straight to get extra big gelatos. Max picked ‘blue’.

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It was a long day, especially due to the heat and I was all for foccaia take away and back to the place. It was 5:30pm. Dan wanted to go out to dinner, but I could read the kids. Although Ben really wanted to start exploring. Solution…Ben and Dan went out to dinner and the other 2 kids and I got focaccia to go and chilled at the apartment.

Once again, kids crashed hard!